Peeler in a sentence as a noun

"Now, which one of the 10 boxes labeled "kitchen" has the peeler in it?

I can just about quote it from memory: "This isn't a cheap peeler.

"Now it might be the case that you and he are still talking about the same peeler.

Clearly he could have not sold peelers, and clearly he could have not worked on the street.

The tools, be it edlin or a pear peeler, only make the chief/writer's job easier.

The peeler guy makes a 100% irony-free pitch, based on value, which we can all learn from.

It would never occur to me to worry about a "scrap metal" peeler breaking.

This peeler was made in Switzerland and nothing from Switzerland was ever cheap.

5. When you see something - a potato peeler, A real estate sign.

For some reason, the "if your peeler ever breaks" sentiment feels attached to the "made of ... plastic" one.

For how cheap they are it's not a big deal, but if you can have a quality peeler made of stainless steel with a good blade, I'd pay for it.

I think that this demonstrates one little technique which makes him a really good salesman for the peeler.

But I have the cheapest vegetable peeler and spatula and paring knives and toaster and olive oil for frying.

You don't buy this peeler because it is cheap and you can replace it when it wears out, you buy it because it will be the last peeler you ever buy.

Those peelers are available in all supermarkets here - both the plain metal ones and more advanced ones with moulded plastic handles.

They're supposed to cover physical devices, like a vegetable peeler or something.

Its interesting to me on an intellectual level to compare your way of describing the peeler to his way of describing the peeler.

The peeler man's craft was an art form in a city where hyper capitalism and over commodification enslave most of its residents.

[I'll include or even call out particularly the "potato peeler's" middle-management, here, who are often effectively his or her leadership.

On the good news side, if your peeler ever breaks, it's also sold in most supermarkets in Europe and Asia - and most of the ones you can buy here aren't made of scrap metal, but of ergonomic, comfortable plastic.

The poor did not regard the police as benign:'As regards the police, the hatred of a costermonger to a "peeler" is intense, and with their opinion of the police, all the more ignorant unite that of the governing power.

Peeler definitions


a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music

See also: stripper striptease stripteaser ecdysiast


a worker who peels the skins from fruits and vegetables


a device for peeling vegetables or fruits; "she invented a potato peeler"