Patina in a sentence as a noun

If they are, then some of its patina as a 'safe' stash will be lost.

Books age; books gather a patina of use.

But then, I'm not too worried about yon thin patina of faddishness.

It reminded me of Las Vegas or some mall shop that sells furnishings with faux patina.

" does give the code the Code a patina of Political Correctness.

They have seen lots of wear over the years, but are in great shape, and look amazing because of the afore-mentioned patina.

There are lots of cops who do the right thing when they can, I see it happening all the time even beyond the patina of the blue line of intimidation.

Perhaps I'm an inveterate slacker but those things were deeply camouflaged against the patina of knik-knacks that couldn't hide from her. Oh there is the radio that needs the knob glued to work again, that corner needs a light fixture.

Eclipse's patina of UI widget detritus looks distracting and confusing.

I think XP actually avoided this, but the average bastardization of XP is a thin patina of words over cowboy programming.

In the US, it is more sophisticated and over the last century it has attained the patina of established respectability.

And I think I put my finger on something with that last bit, because Medium is really kind of the same thing as Tumblr which never bothered me; maybe because it didn't have that patina of tech insider design perfection bestowed upon us in private beta as if from the gods themselves.

The comments, etc., give it an air of legitimacy; a patina of "we're criticizing her views", but the heart of this looks like it's a simple "look at the child, playing dress-up and running around in a fantasy world".When non-technical people I know find out that I play video games, the reaction ranges from amused tolerance to condescension.

Patina definitions


a fine coating of oxide on the surface of a metal