Passion in a sentence as a noun

So, this is perhaps at the root of at least some of this passion and excitement.

All the corporate blathering about "passion" is just a ploy to depress market wages.

This guy had a passion, worked his butt off and got a good result... I'm sure he'll go on to many more good things in the future.

Music is one of those things that is central to a lot of people's lives and you couldn't ask for a more passionate userbase.

" Personally, I think passion could be a valuable heuristic in hiring, but the author seemed to imply that passion is only measured by your willingness to work outside of your day job.

It did, however, have one lasting effect: the engineer that was pursued went from thinking fondly of his years at AWS to hating AWS and Amazon with a white-hot passion that still burns today.

I'm not saying Nick D'Aloisio isn't doing what he does out of genuine passion - I don't know anything about him, I expect he's very driven and geniune - but I would rather focus on the work than the jackpot.

They can pursue their "passions" all they like but, in the end, they stand a considerable risk of being spendthrifts, worthless heirs, or whatever other pejorative term captures what it means to waste one's life away in the name of pursuing passions without focus or purpose.

" None of the departures where I was pretty close to the departee and the situation were 'unexpected' in the sense that their course had a way point which usually pointed 'up' or 'out'.So think about your own career, think about what you want to do, what mark you want to make on the world, what things are you passionate about.

To their credit everyone was very supportive of my passion but in the end the company gets to decide what they are going to do with your work product, and I could not get Sun Labs to sponsor my secure version of Java and while I felt e-commerce was going to define the killer App, realistically in 1995 I was about 7 years too early to that particular party.

Passion definitions


a strong feeling or emotion

See also: passionateness


the trait of being intensely emotional

See also: heat warmth


something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"

See also: rage


an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

See also: mania cacoethes


a feeling of strong sexual desire


any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";

See also: love


the suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion

See also: Passion