Passable in a sentence as an adjective

****, I can barely barely do a passable design so why on earth would I claim it's easy.

But OSX is just passable enough that the form-factor of an Apple laptop wins out and I can work.

Or even a $350 Nexus?This seems like a phone from two or three years ago where $650 for a non-premium brand would have been passable.

Because they can't really distinguish good guest posting from 'passable' guest posting, it's all done?Got news for you: guest blogging is relevant for many more reasons than Google.

"You can certainly become a passable programmer in 3 years starting from being well-educated, intelligent, and reasonably skilled at knowledge work in the information economy.

Searle's whole Chinese Room argument is based on the notion that a Turing-test-passable system for processing Chinese input and responding with syntactically correct Chinese output can be engineered, but the man inside the room won't know what he's doing.

They'll rightfully think it was barbaric and tragic that we let thousands of people died each year in accidents caused by distraction, drunkenness, exhaustion, and plain old human error, all at the hands of people granted the right to operate killing machines by way of a test passable by the average teenager.

Passable definitions


able to be passed or traversed or crossed; "the road is passable"


about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary"

See also: adequate tolerable