Partitioning in a sentence as a noun

We put a lot of work into it and with the right partitioning and caching strategies MySQL held up pretty well.

Google don't seem to understand the natural partitioning of social spaces that occurs in the real world.

But for massive amounts of data the partitioning and some other features of Oracle just work better.

If a person with this kind of caloric partitioning doesn't eat excessive amounts of calories, they will feel tired.

The default partitioning of CAM space on Cisco gear is the obvious issue, but the root cause is the massive deaggregation of announced IPv4 routes on the Internet.

"Real" solutions are to run a database that is tolerant of partitioning, and have application level code to resolve the inevitable conflicts.

I found it tremendously educational, not just about postgres partitioning, but about databases in general.

The partitioning is a huge thing, especially for our data which is partitioned by week then organized according to a hierarchical triangular mesh with bitmapped indexes.

It had taken me 3 days to learn how to download Linux, make a stack of installation floppies, find and use partitioning tools, install Linux and set up a boot loader, etc. I cried when I realized what had been done to me.

There are many ways to go about it, one would be recursive spacial partitioning, another would be to explicitly grow out a tree pattern while minding collision and proximity to other branches.

The prevalence of app stores, the number of Android devices that are difficult to jailbreak or for which no jailbreaking tools are available yet, and the partitioning of "users" and "developers" in the Android ecosystem are not positive things for Linux or for GNU.

To elaborate on the justification for the answer: So Intel probably shoved popcnt into the same category to keep the processor design simple\n\nIn the processor design I work on, we do register dependency checks by partitioning all instructions into a set of "timing classes" and checking the dispatch delay needed between dependent register producers and consumers across all possible timing class pairs.

Partitioning definitions


an analysis into mutually exclusive categories

See also: breakdown


the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart

See also: division partition segmentation sectionalization sectionalisation