Particulate in a sentence as a noun

>Has there been any long-term research done on the health effects of particulate pollution?Yes.

That being the case, any sort of particulate or imperfections in the tube will cause the air-bearing to 'land' with a large amount of friction.

[...] In fact, wood smoke often contributes more harmful particulates to urban air than any other source.

I could literally inspect individual specks of particulate smoke hanging in the air.

Diesel particulate matter is, due to its size, extremely difficult to filter and of course also highly carcinogenic.

The Kyoto protocol has to do with CO2 emissions, which are very different from the sort of particulate and sulfur pollution described in the article.

I wonder how this compares to the worst smogs experienced in London and elsewhere before the West got its act together with regard to particulate pollution.

Particulate in a sentence as an adjective

You would never see something like that over a major metropolis without also removing "regular" particulate pollution and heat haze.

The data structures don't force that; in contrast, in a voxel world with a clever data spatial structure, every single voxel can be a dynamic, particulate object, subject to computing power.

Unfortunately, the regular particulate pollution and heat haze over megacities are going to wreak havoc with your seeing pretty badly even in the absence of light pollution.

Depending on the size and make up of the particulate our bodies are actually pretty damn good with removing most particulate, additionally because it is not a regular exposure it is now a smaller risk

The actual pollution was generally pretty hard to spot thanks to various ash and particulate collection methods in action, that is unless one of the boilers was being restarted and diesel was being burnt, in which case the smoke was quite black and visible.

Has there been any long-term research done on the health effects of particulate pollution?I was in Beijing last winter when the air pollution was nearing record highs, and every time I blew my nose after returning from being outside, it would be full of black mucus.

Particulate definitions


a small discrete mass of solid or liquid matter that remains individually dispersed in gas or liquid emissions (usually considered to be an atmospheric pollutant)


composed of distinct particles