Participating in a sentence as an adjective

They came to shoot the interior as a perk for participating in a "Google Offer".

Total bitcoins in existence ~12MBitcoins claimed to be owned by people participating in this poll ~35M

Anybody that would use my own friends against me to suck me into a network of participating whether I wanted to or not?

But now it's done, and pretty much every participating party in this whole thing came out looking like a loser, Joycent, Strongloop, the whole nodejs scene.

To greatly reduce the likelihood of this attack, you should restrict which endpoints on your domain are capable of participating in the OAuth flow.

Like I mentioned in the other thread on the TPP Leak, the TPP could immediately have the following effects, if it is enacted into law by the participating nations.

Also: the way this played out makes an awesome story for the next time Akamai experiences internal pushback against participating in open source.

But, participating in interesting communities and culture can be worth its own opportunity-cost price of admission.

Sponsorship revenues from participating Council companies provide funding for our core activitiesOh, right.

This topic makes me feel positively Marxist: we're willingly participating in a system designed and perpetuated to exploit us because to do otherwise would be impolite.

The problem with this line of reasoning is that you are effectively blocking someone from participating in their chosen profession if they don't continue to work for the same company for whatever reason.

Why don't we let Reddit be Reddit, and HN be HN?Why would I want HN to be a megaphone for Famous Joe Blow X when I'd much rather have him actively participating and helping out in the threads with the rest of us?This is a very bad idea in my opinion.

Participating definitions


taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations"

See also: active