Paradise in a sentence as a noun

I would only argue one point in this: Github is not a developer's paradise.

It's horrifying to even think about and makes China today seem like paradise.

Because we haven't achieved a paradise of endless bliss where no one suffers, we shouldn't bother to try to make things better?

I think you can figure out in the lifecycle of kingdoms and dictatorships that the endgame is never paradise.

They can vacation in paradise, make cool things happen at a stroke of a pen, and if they choose to spend hours per day doing nothing but daydreaming and speculating...they can.

However Scandinavia isn't really some kind of paradise, and the legal system is still zealous about pursuing quite some number of things I don't agree with.

>> You can't wave off court orders just because you think the Internet is some kind of libertarian cyber-paradise where mortal laws do not applyOne has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

Your prodigious propagandization of your paymaster is praiseworthy, but you don't need to take michaelochurch seriously to perceive this isn't a perfect picture of paradise.

It's not a paradise, but they have reasonably civil, well-thought-out conversations with people of vastly different viewpoints on everything from transgender issues to Israel-Palestine to which rock band is the best to weird art to police brutality to which dogs are the cutest dogs to anything else you can think of.

Between mobile pressing us on one end and desktop speed advancement stalling out on the other, there's increasing motivation to write faster code where it matters, without necessarily having to use C or C++.I'm not saying paradise is incoming, but I get the impression that we're seeing more care about performance manifesting in real languages and code than we used to.

Paradise definitions


any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

See also: Eden nirvana heaven Shangri-la


(Christianity) the abode of righteous souls after death

See also: Paradise