Pantry in a sentence as a noun

Work in a soup kitchen or a food pantry.

My girlfriend volunteers full-time for the local food pantry.

Then I remember that I'm a childless adult with a pantry full of food and lots of takeout menus on hand.

I realized that my 'no' when she opens the pantry door is totally without conviction and she doesn't respond at all.

You also keep the shared pantry and fridge stocked with all the ingredients that should be found in any fine restaurant's kitchen.

I am a libertarian and I've spent 90% of my time post college life running or helping to run a food pantry in my spare time.

It makes sense for an obese person to stop stocking the pantry and refrigerator with ice cream, cookies, chips, and soda.

For snacks, you could go Google and provide something managed and stocked, or just give people refrigerator/freezer/pantry space for their own, or whatever.

Until Apple releases hardware/software that turns this patent into a reality, I'll leave the aluminum foil in my pantry.

Couldn't cook in a restaurant or anything, but I can perform one of the higher skills of home cooking, "see what's left in the pantry -> make something from what you have -> get requests for the 'recipe'".

Yeah, maybe he'd banked enough to get by, maybe he'd been smart and planned ahead, maybe he didn't really worry about short-term survival ... or maybe he had no idea where money for the next mortgage/rent bill would come from and the pantry was sparse.

Grocery shopping has to be the worst inefficient process there is. Count how many times you handle a can of beans: Shelf-to-cart, cart-to-checkout, checkout-to-bag, bag-to-car, car-to-pantry, pantry-to-shelf, then later shelf-to-kitchen, kitchen-to-recycle.

I won't be able to do the ideas justice here, but I will try:A business obsessed with revenue and growth is like a person obsessed with how many breaths they have taken, or how much food is in their pantry -- these are means to an end, not ends in themselves.

Pantry definitions


a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

See also: larder buttery