Pantie in a sentence as a noun

I'm sure you can buy used panties in American fetish sex shops, too.

Just because the article didnt cover what you wanted it to cover, doesn't mean you can get your panties in a bunch about it.

So the author shouldn't get his panties in a bunch; no one is dragging the humanities down from it's privileged societal prestige.

Just break 'em."One of the reasons I have my panties in wad over this topic is the Web has made it far easier for people to create APIs that get used by others.

Three, those impractical, showy "sexy time" bras, which seem to be 90% of the inventory, require panties to match, otherwise there is literally no point to them.

I'm impressed with the explanations and everything... but what really got my panties in a bunch is the visualization technology.

Pantie definitions


short underpants for women or children (usually used in the plural)

See also: panty scanty step-in