Panoptical in a sentence as an adjective

With that said, I do understand why companies try and install panoptical surveillance practices in places where it's basically overkill. Competent managers, as you said, don't need to keep people on a tight leash.

Society is quickly adjusting to the panoptical norm. People complain that they do not like being monitored, but few do anything beyond the cursory installation of an ad blocker.

This reading gives an entirely different perspective on acts and themes of resistance as panoptical surveillance in the age of global neoliberalism becomes more totalitarian in nature at specific moments. ...

Not to derail this thread too much, but I think that one is potentially even more insidious because it's much more spiritually authoritarian and panoptical. But that one too is beginning to elicit fatigue, especially with corporate sponsors that for a while had been attempting to subsume it into a third position that they now believe may have become [1] untenable.

Panoptical definitions


including everything visible in one view; "a panoptic aerial photograph of the missile base"; "a panoptic stain used in microscopy"

See also: panoptic