Pallette in a sentence as a noun

I am, and also have an insensitive pallette.

Artists would be completely deprived of a large part of their pallette, and their art would suffer for it.

Oh, and some of the options are duplicated yet again on the toolbox pallette.

Isn't it healthier/better to eat herbivores?From my experience you can pretty much teach your pallette to like foods.

Even if they make the OS look decent with that small of a pallette, I don't think that the e-ink display will be attractive to people if your webpage rendering looks like garbage.

Possibly have a second compliment palette where if A==B { colourA:=pallette[A]; colourB:=compliment[A]; } That allows for an extra set of colour pairs, to help out in unusual cases.

Looking through the toolbar customization, I couldn't tell how easy it would be to add a toolbar element that isn't one of the existing behaviors -- for example, a toolbar element to bring up an emoticon pallette.

There are lots of different approaches to picking that initial pallette though - you might do it based on averaging out the pixel colours, or maybe you know something about human visual colour perception and can hence behave differently for colours that you don't think people will notice as easily.

Pallette definitions


one of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor

See also: palette