Palisade in a sentence as a noun

The thing that annoys me most is that the locals referred to this palisade of cameras as a "ring of steel".

The fortifications behind the ditch usually involved a wooden palisade or stone walls.

Due to the lack of other evidence for warfare, the palisade may have been more for ritual or formal separation than for military purposes.

Palisade in a sentence as a verb

The palisade around the village probably came after people had settled there, but I can imagine someone building a wall to have somewhere to go whenever you are attacked, and that place eventually also became the place where people went to trade, thus wall before city.

Atop of the aforementioned platform was erected an equally formidable wooden palisade and scaffolding consisting of between 60 and 70 massive uprights or timbers woven together with an impressive constellation of horizontal cross beams upon which were suspended the tens of thousands of decapitated human heads once impaled thereon.

Palisade definitions


fortification consisting of a strong fence made of stakes driven into the ground


surround with a wall in order to fortify

See also: wall fence surround