Palimpsest in a sentence as a noun

Will anyone remember how to scrape a palimpsest clean in ten years?

The "Southern way of life" is a palimpsest and a shibboleth.

Hey palimpsest, I can’t see an email on your profile, is there a way to get in touch?

"Experts disagree" is a palimpsest of what it actually says.

Perhaps I'll start doing the same with passages from the web, as an intentional slowing-down of the process of textual palimpsest generation...

Pastiche, palimpsest, and bricolage are all valid expressive forms which excerpt or rewrite liberally from source material.

A palimpsest is a pretty elegant physical representation of human memory.

The words in the article aren't particularly difficult for a native English speaker certainly not 'sediment' with the exception of 'palimpsest', for which he linked to the Wikipedia entry.

Palimpsest definitions


a manuscript (usually written on papyrus or parchment) on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible