Painkiller in a sentence as a noun

On that basis the only thing anyone can hope for is a painkiller to make the monster a little less soul-crushing.

It's expensive in the UK too if you buy a brand name painkiller. It's depressing that they can still sell them when the identical generic medication is next to them on the shelf and is 1/10 of the price.

******* is a great painkiller for facial/nasal injuries. Then again, there's a whole class of illicit ***** that make effective painkillers.

Prescription painkiller overdoses used to hover around the number of overdoses from heroin. In a few short years, they increased sixfold.

It's a decent painkiller, but like any opiate based pain medication has potential for abuse.

For professional editors, version control is a painkiller. For writers, it is a painkiller if the writer is an obsessive editor.

Is pot an effective painkiller if you need to really think while getting relief? Opiates don't have psychedelic effects or even the general mental impairment of pot.

Addictive substance or destructive habit is nothing more than a painkiller - the only way mind know how to avoid feeling or reducing pain. The real cure is not "replacing your destructive behavior with something better."

They might proscribe a painkiller, but otherwise she would sit around for a couple of days with a headache and be OK. If she didn't go to the hospital, there was a 99% chance that she would sit around and take advil and be OK. But there was that 1% lingering chance that it was worse than we thought and that not going was a horrible decision. We opted not to go to the hospital.

Because vulnerability scanning is a vitamin, not a painkiller. This type of thing addresses a specific pain--IT having to generate, keep track of, and manage access to[1] device passwords--and just happens to increase security as a side-effect.

> They don't put acetaminophen in opiates to poison people, they put it in because it's an effective painkiller and the natural check for abuse makes the powerful opiate more easily available than it otherwise would be. > They don't put acetaminophen in opiates to poison people > natural check for abuse The "natural check for abuse" is a threat of poisoning.

> For some reason, the snakes are almost uniquely sensitive to acetaminophen, the active ingredient in the ubiquitous over-the-counter painkiller. If you can get a tree snake to eat just 80 milligrams, you can **** it. That's only about one-sixth of a standard pill — pigs, dogs and other similarly sized animals would have to eat about 500 of them to get into any trouble. Just a quick note: Paracetamol is a great and useful painkiller.

Painkiller definitions


a medicine used to relieve pain

See also: analgesic anodyne