Paginate in a sentence as a verb

But please don't paginate a 500 word text into 10 pages either...

The browser on my iPad is great... No need to paginate with swipes.

Having to stop and paginate gives me too much time to evaluate just what I'm doing with my time.

Like, we may have a model that has 500 or 5,000 child documents, and there's no easy way to paginate the list of child documents.

If you're going to paginate or sort or filter, you need to white-list filter on available fields and values.

The non-paginated version is closer to a more serial access, with no precise control over going back to where I want to.

They were making this expert system to automatically paginate the yellow pages.

All that is needed is 1 grid, 500k items, allow me to sort up and down on the headers and let me paginate through it as I please and support 5 simultaneous users.

Paginate definitions


number the pages of a book or manuscript

See also: foliate page