Overriding in a sentence as an adjective

It was a man who thought big, who had "one overriding idea": Tesla.

[Preface: dang, thanks for overriding the flags on this HN posting.

Physicists' job is to come up with "one overriding idea".

But the overriding goal of letting founders spread some of their risk is completely bona fide.

One case is treated as appropriate for free choice by the parties without overriding restrictions; the other is not.

Any time you have "one overriding idea", and push your idea as a superior ideology, you're going to be wrong.

Funny, I must have missed the part of the Fourth Amendment that carves out an exception for "special needs" or "overriding public danger.

So you have to find people who are unconcerned about delivery dates, or rather, who have overriding concerns.

I don't think Developer Tools are going to be able to allow overriding like this for long, or we're going to be seeing a lot of this on sites soon, just like the widespread right-click "disabling" of yesteryear.

Leadership has long since become its own entity, and succumbed to the first law of organizations: All organizations inevitably evolve until the perpetuation of their own existence becomes their overriding priority.

I wrote elsewhere [1]:> A point about the morality of companies angle: the so-called "fiduciary duty" of companies that is an overriding duty to maximise shareholder returns within the constraints of the law above all other ends is a legal obligation in only a few countries.

Overriding definitions


having superior power and influence; "the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism"

See also: paramount predominant predominate preponderant preponderating