Outlook in a sentence as a noun

Millennials have high debt and low wages with a poor job outlook.

It's not cynical, and you can feel a positive outlook on life and people throughout.

It's an outlook that's probably very helpful in being productive and happy generally.

"This is an incredibly valuable and necessary outlook on security in this day and age.

There are in fact religions that do not involve "imaginary friends" and interfere little with modern scientific outlook.

The original model of university student was the one Westfall described in his excellent biography of Newton: "a plodding group, narrowly vocational in outlook, lower-class youths grimly intent on ecclesiastical preferment as the means to advancement.

Outlook definitions


a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations

See also: mentality mindset mind-set


belief about (or mental picture of) the future

See also: expectation prospect


the act of looking out

See also: lookout