Outlawry in a sentence as a noun

More specifically, outlawry under Germanic law, where someone was judge to be outside of the protection of the law.

Full outlawry on Iceland effectively meant banishment from Iceland or death.

I had to look up 'vogelfrei'" Vogelfrei in German usage denotes the status of a person on whom a legal penalty of outlawry has been imposed.

This man was named Thorir the Black-browed, and so, when Margret regained her balance, she said, “Thank you, Thorir Sigmundsson,” and backed away from him, for it was not known how he had been enduring his time of outlawry.

I would guess it is because to East asian authorities, you would only be getting a tattoo if you were being initiated in a gang or wanted to engage in outlaw activities, so stopping tattoos is indirectly stopping "outlawry" and thus preserving "morality" in society.

I invite you to ponder on the historical meaning of outlawry.> My actual position is that life sciences are going to radically changeYou're not a doctor or bio scientist, you have no basis to speculate about a solution to disease that makes immunisation superfluous.> Why bother haranguing people about vaccinations, when five years from now, biological agents might very well be a solved problemBecause we need to fight measles now or people die needlessly.

Outlawry definitions


illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the law

See also: lawlessness