Outflank in a sentence as a verb

You have to outflank them where they are weak, and hope to chip away at their mindshare that way.

Intel have tried to outflank experts before, and their graphics processors don't seem to be the market leaders.

To outflank their bosses, the scientists asked a London investment banker to help explore other potential deals.

Literally one day of focused thinking can outflank a week or more of pointless execution, even at the beginning.

Market research, what competitors are up to, how you plan to outflank them, etc...In a nutshell, you need to make yourself valuable to a programmer.

Guess it's also them trying to outflank Bing with their announcement of immediate implementation of returning Twitter searches... interesting move

And on a purely tactical level, competitors are a product management gift that keeps on giving: just watch what they do, and each time they do something new, you can choose to match them, outflank them, or ignore them for now.

If Google can prove its case to consumers and increase coverage and capacity by enlisting more mobile carriers, Google could outflank Verizon and AT&T with a larger, faster, and more reliable network.

Dominant companies slowly become paralysed by activist employees, letting nimbler competitors outflank them in the market.

Outflank definitions


go around the flank of (an opposing army)


get the better of; "the goal was to best the competition"

See also: outdo trump best scoop