Ossification in a sentence as a noun

The pattern of bone ossification -- notice, no sternum -- fits that as well, but it doesnt fit a 6 year old at all.

The people in power want to remain in power and will do whatever it takes to keep ossification of the status quo.

Viewing those that disagree with you as evil or stupid is the strongest symptom of thought-ossification.

Individually, sure, it makes sense, but the fact remains that the emergent behavior of the system seems to be the ossification of capital.

Regardless of the rate of change of the field as a whole, ossification and inflexibility is problematic with whatever is changing right now.

Note that the bone growth occurs as a response to muscle damage, so a more active child who suffers a higher incidence of standard bumps and bruises would be more likely to have more ossification.

The processes of aging and aculturation both involve an ossification of our ideas and concepts that make learning new ones comparatively difficult.

At a certain point, the advantages of a library that's well-known, well-maintained, and well-documented outweigh the disadvantages of de jure ossification.

I think on top of this the self-documenting properties of a nice statically typed system push back the onset of code ossification quite a lot. I always trust my type documentation while I tend to be a skeptic of documentation that's more than a few months old unless it's being actively refactored regularly.

On the other hand, agile is the anathema of good data modelling and it causes productivity gains early on which lead to ossification and inflexibility laterIf you stop refactoring.

For what it's worth, though, we've continued to see steady signups for years and years; the concern over the ossification of a conservative site design is a reasonable one and one we chew on plenty, trust me, but as far as that goes we haven't all else aside seen active new-user interest go away.

"It will soon have to change if we are to have fibre on the last mile, and may change again when the technology evolves further; one of my concerns is that utilitization causes ossification, and prevents further progress, as is the case with the sewer, power, and water last miles.>"Would you like to explain how a monopoly for-profit entity can be expected to do any better?

Ossification definitions


the developmental process of bone formation


the calcification of soft tissue into a bonelike material


the process of becoming rigidly fixed in a conventional pattern of thought or behavior


hardened conventionality

See also: conformity