Opulence in a sentence as a noun

It's been a pit of crime and poverty surrounded by opulence for twenty years now.

You don't want to instill opulence as a corporate policy.

If by shocking they mean not shocking at all, and very similar to the level of opulence at the White House, then yes.

"* owns their own private jet/yacht/other signs of opulence"What if they got their private jet by tricking others into following the strategy?

The front is fulfilling our current best potential - space travel, computing, great individual wealth, even opulence.

From the point of view say anyone in communist Poland, as well as at least a billion people living today, what you call poverty would seem like mind-blowing opulence.

My rule of thumb is unless the person sharing the strategy:* owns their own private jet/yacht/other signs of opulence* didn't share it with anyone elsetry to ignore it

Their one child per family policy has created an entire generation of people with too much money, so extravagance and opulence are approaching and exceeding interesting levels of absurdity.

To me, luxury is "opulence, luxuriousness, sumptuousness, grandeur, magnificence, splendor, lavishness, the lap of luxury, a bed of roses", and I don't associate those with typical developers.

But my basic argument, even if he didn't explicitly treat the subject, would be that fabricated demand is an accumulation of capital, thereby increasing national opulence, which Smith holds as the highest good.

They invest a good chunk of their money and they don't spend in the same proportion of their income on necessities..."People in lower income brackets are spending more money while saving less, and this is in part due to the rising displays of opulence from the upper income earners.

But negative for the long term development of society- The offensive allowance and use of patents and litigation by powerful people with the intention to slow progress lest they become obsolete.- The lavish displays of opulence despite the fact that people are still starving to death- The still strong existence of classicism- The love to hate relationship society has with divas and their transformation from normal people- The inverse proportional relationship between net-worth and probability of proper enacting of justice- Concentrations of power in government and finance are not typically associated with honesty.

Opulence definitions


wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living

See also: luxury luxuriousness sumptuousness