Opaqueness in a sentence as a noun

That's not really the problem, which is more about the opaqueness and lack of DRY.

What better way to communicate the state's movement towards opaqueness?

At the same time it conditions them to think that such opaqueness is the norm, the way things should be when they write their own applications, and the vicious cycle repeats.

And of ingrained institutional attitudes of opaqueness with respect to their own activities, even when such activities themselves apparently or clearly violate the law.

So WP let him do a bunch of things he wouldn't have been able to do if it had a decent interface and/or couldn't find things buried under a pile of acronyms and bureaucratic opaqueness and that's supposed to be your evidence that it's not a broken process?

So with this level of complexity and opaqueness for a simple routine, does it ever get any better?If your algorithm has ten intertwined loops, does one have any hope of systematically optimizing performance or would you be reduced to "intuition" and easter-egging.

Opaqueness definitions


incomprehensibility resulting from obscurity of meaning

See also: opacity


the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light

See also: opacity