Oozing in a sentence as a noun

Hmm... really thought that part was oozing with sarcasm.

I can just feel the security oozing from my pores.

There's no one "hole" to fix, just blood oozing from thousands and thousands of micro tears.

The article, and her statement, are oozing with spineless statements.

"Though they couldn't smell methane, they did put a match to the fissures from where the gas was oozing, and set it on fire.

I love nothing more than to take top commenters oozing negativity to town.

Sure, it's oozing blood, but that blood is tainted by an enormous industrial profit machine.

If you see any glue oozing between the joints inside it's sloppy and cheap workmanship, pass on it and get another guitar.

This is supposed to go away after a few weeks, but months into the diet I still felt like this.- I felt like grease was oozing out of me at all times.

Oozing in a sentence as an adjective

Comedy if only for the rampant insecurity oozing out of this guy's every pore

Fairly fast but it doesn't match Sublime Text just yetInitial impressions: it's early days but this thing is just oozing for customisation.

The addition of a clotting agent would stop venous oozing, but wouldnt affect hemodynamics of the patient.

Cook then doubled the mayo that's already on there. At this point keep in mind that the burger is coated in mayo and will be dripping it while he's eating - ****, it's already oozing mayo everywhere and it's quite gross to look at.

Look, hey - all of these nuts could just make phone calls, they could spread insanity, oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all these poor sane people, infecting them.

People are already slowly oozing towards better operating systems, and if they actually manage to remove the possibility to run their shitty OS without any cost, they're totally screwed.

While sex drive may be a motivation to entrepreneurship, I would say that 'oozing sex' during a talk on entrepreneurship is probably a failure to 'take the enormous energy available as the sex drive and convert it into useful work.

And on one side we could hear the hissing sound of the escaping gas," Mr Baloch said.> Though they couldn't smell methane, they did put a match to the fissures from where the gas was oozing, and set it on fire.> "We put the fire out in the end, but it was quite a hassle.

Oozing definitions


the process of seeping

See also: seepage ooze


leaking out slowly

See also: oozy seeping