Onomatopoeia in a sentence as a noun

I think "pio" is the onomatopoeia for tweet in Japanese too.

Yes, and "piu" is the Portuguese onomatopoeia for "tweet".

There is a lot of the visual equivalent of onomatopoeia...

I'm not good with onomatopoeia but normal keys generally go tack-tack-tack while the spacebar goes tchick-tchick-tchick.

To give my post some much-needed useful content, and not look as though I was simply sniping someone's spelling, I may as well share my mnemonic for spelling "onomatopoeia.

I assume bamf refers to x-men comics where "bamf" was the onomatopoeia for the demonic character Nightcrawler's teleportation.

Z in the US is pronounced zee, in the UK zed, so certainly not an example of onomatopoeia for Brits, or a particularly good example for Americans.

No clue, but "kukuruku" sounds a lot like the Russian onomatopoeia for the sound a rooster makes, and the submitter has the word "skazka" in his or her name, which is the Russian word for "tale" or "story".

Names that invoke your product through onomatopoeia, like 'Twitter' strike a good balance between effective communication and defensibility.

Onomatopoeia definitions


using words that imitate the sound they denote