Omniscient in a sentence as an adjective

And, in reality, we're of course far from omniscient.

However many of us fail to comprehend this because we forget that human beings are not omniscient.

Does saying "gosh darnit" really make a difference to an omnipotent and omniscient being such as God?

But in my hypothesized universe, there is no omniscient narrator.

That is, one-time pads, which are theoretically unbreakable by anyone who is not omniscient?

Germany has the "benefit" of having experienced the Gestapo and Stasi so there is knowledge how dangerous omniscient parties are.

In particular, rather than acting like HN is an omniscient font of knowledge, I treat it much more like wikipedia: a springboard for further exploration of topics.

You give your disciples not truth but only the semblance of truth; they will be heroes of many things, and will have learned nothing; they will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing.

""Society" is not a monolithic, homogeneous organism whose will is absolute and omniscient.

The omniscient vision to create a program that is somehow much more maintainable, much less likely to have bugs, or much more extensible than dozens of other potential solutions that any competent programmer would agree are "good".

The conventional, fuzzy definition of free will has an omniscient narrator in it; "I do not have free will if the omniscient narrator knows in advance everything I will do" is a reasonable expansion of the conventional idea.

Most people aren't using OP's extremely strong definition of efficient market, but merely saying that humans and current algorithms cannot over long periods extract money; it's a statement about the market vs other actors, not markets versus omniscient gods.

Omniscient definitions


infinitely wise

See also: all-knowing