Olive-drab in a sentence as an adjective

In this image, the olive-drab component is the warhead-and-rocket assembly, and the forest-green component is a full ******* pound of black powder which launches the rocket to a minimum safe range before the ignition of the main propulsion motor. I'm presently unsure about the propellants used in other recoilless systems, but I can presume that there exist designs other than the RPG-7 which are currently being provided in bulk to Ukraine, while simultaneously utilizing some amount of black powder in the propulsion system, while some further subset of those will prove difficult to redesign to use more modern double- or triple-base smokeless propellants due to the much higher operating pressure of these propellants, especially in the context of thin-walled light-weight launchers.

Olive-drab definitions


of a light brownish green color

See also: drab