Offprint in a sentence as a noun

Also, the next lot is even more exciting: Some offprints of Turing's papers and manuscripts, formed by Prof.

There's a fundraising drive trying to get together the money so Bletchley Park, the museum dedicated to the work of Turing and the other codebreakers at Station X during the war, can buy the offprints and keep them for public display.

Yes, there is a tradition in academic publishing of sending several unbound copies of the printed article to the original author, which they will then send to people who write to them requesting them; these copies are called "offprints".

Accompanying the set of offprints is the Newman household visitors book with several signatures of Turing, that of Turings mother and, of special significance to Bletchley Park, signatures of other wartime codebreaking giants.

Offprint definitions


a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication

See also: reprint separate