Officer in a sentence as a noun

Ignorance of the law won't help you very much when you're in a room with an irate CBP officer.

This is the top comment on the Reddit thread:"They went after high ranking military officers.

When I arrived, both officers denied saying I was required to carry ID when I asked the captain about the law.

When that calmed down and another officer came by to drop off someone else, I told him what had happened and his only response was "so?

It's not well known, but Dr. Bose had a stroke a few years ago. I was an officer of a local Acoustical Society of America chapter in Boston.

Among the risks, say, if you are an officer, a VC-controlled board will almost certainly demand that you "resign" or, if you do not, will fire you.

The chief legal officer of Newegg _wants_ these cases and to take them to completion in attempts to correct the problems with software patents.

" For clarification, I asked if it was a city, state, or national law, and the officers adamantly maintained that it was a state law.

No longer will 'confessions' rely on the memory of the officer; no longer will complaints become a "criminal's word against the officer".

Officer in a sentence as a verb

WTF is an Army officer doing intergating an American civilian at the airport?

As important to the task of creating something of quality on a computer as to becoming an upstanding military officer.

Their mission being vital, he ordered his men to leave him and find that crossing, which they did. Although they sent a medic to recover their officer, upon finding him the medic refused to give him morphine, saying that he didn’t have enough to waste on a man who would die in a few minutes anyway.

Also, asset forfeiture revenue from traffic stops must be donated to non-profit organizations, or used to pay for the officer training required by the settlement.

He explains people fear that "in the event of a complaint, the officer will just deny the allegations and 'circle the wagons' with his or her fellow officers with the expectation they will take care of their own.

During that time, the female arresting officer would periodically come by to taunt me, and tell me that I shouldn't have questioned her, and then threw a huge tantrum when I requested not to be touched by her for fingerprinting.

"Your ill-advised actions also play to some of the most basic fears among some citizens, which is that a police officer may indiscriminately exercise his or her power in violation of their rights," Urquharts discipline letter continues.

Of course, the company would get sued as well and this is the justification for your being terminated in the first place - your actions as an officer would be seen as irresponsible at best and you would have caused some serious harm to the company as a result of subjecting the company to the risks of a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

Officer definitions


any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"


someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"

See also: officeholder


a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"

See also: policeman


a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines"


direct or command as an officer