Offering in a sentence as a noun

Maybe they can turn this around by offering their stock for 50% off normal ticker prices.

BofA was really late to the game in offering clients sub-prime mortgages and the like.

I value HN at $1 billion by offering to buy only 1 share of 1 billion in common stock for $1 right now.

I've just learned more about this situation, and it turns out Airbnb\nhas been offering to fix it, from the very beginning.

An investor offering you money on worse terms is at least offering you money, which is better than nothing.

It simply provides that anything that is a true private placement, as opposed to a public offering, is exempt.

Such protections will continue to exist for offerings made by these small issuers who will get some interim relief from SOX requirements.

So I basically upped the price I was offering to purchase avian meat above theirs - heck - I was flush with funds from last month so I figured I could out buy them.

[Edit #2]: Some form of insurance might be a worthwhile addition to their offering, but that's something they can debate and decide on after they put out this fire.

The reason why Tesla is able to pay the Dept of Energy loan early is because of a secondary stock and bonds offering worth about >850+ million.

" That premise underlies a whole range of securities law "exemptions" that permit small offerings, etc. so that companies can grow and develop without choking on process.

" In other words, there is no all-seeing, all-knowing authority supervising the process who declares that the offering is substantively sound.

> Chattanooga has the largest high-speed internet service in the US, offering customers access to speeds of 1 gigabit per second – about 50 times faster than the US average.

But that does not mean a private party should be able to indiscriminately sue anyone around who happens to be offering services that involve some form of money handling, or their investors, for the results of the existing system.

While that is fine, of course, it does mean that the value of the offering must be weighed against other choices open to the same level of quality startup that it hopes to fund and not against the more limited choices open to just any startup.

When companies offer stock or other securities to purchasers, the broad rule is that "you can offer anything you want, even something junky, so long as you disclose all material elements associated with the offering such that a reasonable investor can make an informed decision in deciding to purchase it.

Offering definitions


something offered (as a proposal or bid); "noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds"

See also: offer


money contributed to a religious organization


the verbal act of offering; "a generous offer of assistance"

See also: offer


the act of contributing to the funds of a church or charity; "oblations for aid to the poor"

See also: oblation