Occultation in a sentence as a noun

There should be devices to help make artificial occultation of bright stars... maybe even glasses?

Is this why we're able to detect so many planets by this occultation technique?

I doubt it would be used for an occultation by an asteroid as you wouldn't gain anything by the measurement.

This is a cool application of GPS radio occultation.

A rocky, very dark thing of the same mass would be much larger in diameter, and occult stars behind it. This is a somewhat common method of discovering things, through occultation.

But after the expected blackout due to occultation by Venus, the communication with the probe did not recover as planned.

As the grandparent mentioned, it is also used as a mobile telescope to do observations of stellar occultations.

Indeed they do. You can see some of the analysis here [1], by calculating the time period of the occultation and the transit location of the star across the body of the asteroid.

While I've learned about GPS as a way to gather meteorological data[0] via radio occultation, I never had to deal with the raw data stream myself.

True, but occultations are also very biased towards planets with small semimajor axis, because the solid angle that produces an occultation goes roughly as 1/a.

I’d say occultation observations, ie looking closely when it passes in front of a star, would allow you to prove things one way or another given the huge difference in density and radius.

The two techniques for exoplanet discovery he describes are direct observation through occultation or deep nulling of stellar light and astrometry.

Although I know the speed of light is finite and have considered many of the implications of relativity, I never thought of the effects on the apparent occultation of two celestial bodies at significant distances from one another relative to the observer.

Occultation definitions


one celestial body obscures another

See also: eclipse