Observable in a sentence as an adjective

Time and time again I've been called delusional for saying that Android devices have more observable lag than iPhones.

First, the Bitcoin community is, on the observable evidence, not large enough to support them.

You can, after all, stick your fingers in your ears and pretend that it's proprietary alone, and there will be no observable difference.

"Even if you, your neighbors, and everyone you've ever met recycled everything and reduced your waste output to zero, it wouldn't even make an observable impact on overall waste production in the world.

If there is a problem with the market, the "problem", and one uses that term loosely, is that people are talking about macroeconomic trends more than individual companies because the observable evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a conclusion we've pretty much known for decades: seeking alpha is a sucker's bet.

Observable definitions


capable of being seen or noticed; "a discernible change in attitude"; "a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript"; "an observable change in behavior"

See also: discernible evident