Obscurantism in a sentence as a noun

But by and large, many programmers seem to revel in some degree of obscurantism.

I even used to be one of those holier-than-thou, "this is pomo obscurantism!

Then came Christianity and its obscurantism, shaming everything that was not in the good book for the sake of control.

I'll not prone obscurantism or the ostrich attitude regarding the risks of this new technologies.

I am not sure of his respect for science, but I have seen abundant evidence of his contempt against religious obscurantism.

This rant on obscurantism seems unwarranted with reference to a post written at a pretty standard reading level.

Is science some mystery cult that is shrouded in obscurantism and lack of intelligibility?

I would describe her writings as expertly crafted works of misandry and post-modern obscurantism.

I thought that the conservative christian base was being manipulated through religion, by the likes of the Koch brothers...Maybe I underestimate the power of obscurantism.

I aim for clarity, not obscurantism or gnosticism, though I recognize the [[infinigress]]es we face in giving foundations to our epistemologies.

To my mind this has always been the point at which Academia as a class abdicated it's responsibilities to society at large in favor of internal power games and obscurantism.

Such philosophers are muddy enough for other philosophers and associated wannabes, but such obscurantism has been a horrific influence on the humanities.

I don't know about Discipline and Punish specifically, but you can read Chomsky for a critique in general of Foucault, Lacan, etc In general I find much of the writing to be obscurantism around simple ideas, or just generally incomprehensible.

But two decades later, it's still pretty unfriendly, and a there's still a lot of command-line snobbery that seems dedicated to preserving this unintentional but obsolete obscurantism, like thoroughbred horse breeders who refuse to acknowledge the market's preference for cars and bicycles.

And I said, “What the **** do you mean by that?” And he said, “He writes so obscurely you can’t tell what he’s saying, that’s the obscurantism part, and then when you criticize him, he can always say, ‘You didn’t understand me; you’re an idiot.’ That’s the terrorism part.” And I like that.

Obscurantism definitions


a policy of opposition to enlightenment or the spread of knowledge


a deliberate act intended to make something obscure