Obliviousness in a sentence as a noun

My goal there would be to relax, so please don't burst my obliviousness bubble.

The sheer obliviousness of your privilege in this regard is staggering.

The whole essay is rife with upper class Panglossian obliviousness.

It is not malice, so much as the obliviousness that accompanies any privilege.

All too often they get traction, especially on HN, despite their obliviousness of how reality even works.

I'm always fascinated by the general obliviousness displayed by questions like these.

There's a common trend of "she should've said something," and while many here disapprove of the PR guys' treatment of the writer, they're still quick to defend his innocence or obliviousness.

"This attitude is certainly built on classism and general obliviousness as much as gender issues...whereas with rich men, haggling seems to be a necessary ritual.

Attack poor hierarchy, obliviousness to information architecture, lack of designers' restraint, or the absence of focus and rigor.

If all conversations were limited to dinner-party politeness, we'd remain trapped in a state of childlike obliviousness about the real disagreements and difficulties of the world.

The gap between their projected air of authority and their obliviousness to the limits of their methodology should make any engineer-oriented person uneasy.

Consider these phrases:"everything wrong with Silicon Valley""crypto-libertarian political agenda that smacks of nerds-do-it-better paternalism""intellectual sinkhole""near-total obliviousness to reality""alarmingly magical thinking""unchecked predatory capitalism""short-sighted hypercapitalism"There are interesting conversations to have around bitcoins but I can't quite put my finger on why they tend to get so intense.

Obliviousness definitions


total forgetfulness; "he sought the great oblivion of sleep"

See also: oblivion