Obliquely in a sentence as an adverb

As in, I might have thought she would take action, rather than obliquely wondering about who might step forward next.

They addressed that, if obliquely: "not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur".

The point Gassee is making obliquely is that if BeOS had been acquired by Apple, Apple's management would have stayed in charge.

I get on guys' cases all the time when they're being obliquely and overtly sexist, especially in mixed company.

The event referenced in the title is an amazing upset, and the article addressed that only very obliquely.

I obliquely can't speak for the societal pressures of being a woman, but the educational aspects between my boys and my girls has not been noticeably different.

But they can highlight individual failures of the Google AdWords program, and, as long as they emphasize that they're talking about this specific business or that specific account, they can obliquely criticize the general principles.

Writing a technical article about the standards process around web DRM without even obliquely addressing any of the criticism of it seems like a strange choice to me. Almost everything in this article was already publicly known; what I'd like to have seen was an actual rebuttal of the criticisms of, among others, Ian Hickson, so as to move the standards conversation forward.

Ulbricht elaborates, obliquely, that he has since focused on "creating an "economic simulation" designed to "give people a first-hand experience of what it would be like to live in a world without the systemic use of force" by "institutions and governments.

Obliquely definitions


to, toward or at one side; "darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face"

See also: sidelong sideways


at an oblique angle; "the sun shone aslant into his face"

See also: aslant athwart