Objectionable in a sentence as an adjective

Carriers are trying to make more money off you in a way that's objectionable, but they aren't the same.

The only "objectionable" part of the drone strike app is that it may have a political agenda.

Holy cow -- Apple says they may delete any iCloud content that they find "objectionable"?

Thanks, Apple, for keeping your sweet and "entertaining" app store clean of this ugly and objectionable thing called reality.

Defund, publicize, interrogate, leak the objectionable programs, and end them.

I have posted here before how the stack ranking part is actually low on my list of objectionable things about the whole process, but it is what people know so it is what people cite.

"We found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store guidelines"Incredible.

They'll come up with a new bill that is either less objectionable or one that hides the objectionable parts more clearly... and then they'll pass it when nobody's paying attention.

It's "objectionable content" to receive reports on death penalties issued by the US government, carried out by unmanned planes at some part of the world no one in the US really cares about?

What I find objectionable in his commentary is his cavalier attitude towards the heavyhanded prosecution of those trying to make publicly funded research publicly available.

I know this is advertising, but there are a couple of particularly objectionable points…Increasing competition between rival internet companies, the speed of delivery and the ability to iterate are the key traits of market leaders.

In signing the agreement, web companies are pledging to identify and prevent the transmission of information that Chinese authorities deem objectionable, including information that breaks laws or spreads superstition or obscenity, or that may jeopardize state security and disrupt social stability.

If indeed a phallus joke between two persons in a private conversation is not objectionable, why was this person fired?As I see it here, the more and more "transparent" our private lives become with cell phone cameras and always-on video glasses, the more protection employees need from bone-headed employers dismissing them for reasons wholly unrelated to their competencies performing the job they were hired to do.

Objectionable definitions


causing disapproval or protest; "a vulgar and objectionable person"

See also: obnoxious


liable to objection or debate; used of something one might take exception to; "a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing"; "found the politician's views objectionable"

See also: exceptionable