Obfuscate in a sentence as a verb

This would seem to be an opportunity for CS people to do what the do best--obfuscate through bad UI design.

Everything is just so open: I don't obfuscate or hide anything, and it's all available via "view source".

The code is usually so verbose and 'un-smart' that it's quite hard for programmers with minority complex to obfuscate it when they're trying to prove that they're smart.

You can go to great lengths to obfuscate the code or whatever but in the end anybody with enough skill and motivation will be able to copy your work.

It's already a paramutual arrangement, why do we have to obfuscate it with employer group policies?Insurance, at least as it is done in the US, is a scam.

It's not surprising that overworked under funded understaffed tax offices can't spare the resources to investigate companies who are trying to obfuscate their tax arrangements.

You are going to - break your CSS by making it dependent on javascript - use inefficient compression, easily reversible, to "obfuscate" javascript - both of these slowing your page loading time That's like the worst of DRM badly emulated in a browser.

Obfuscate definitions


make obscure or unclear