Null in a sentence as a noun

Or is it null and void simply because its immoral?

Can we have a little hint as to what the null and alternative hypotheses were?

It's not an accidental outcome where the laws of drama conspire to make the author's point null, it is the point.

This is great because it saves all the boilerplate above and nicely abstracts away most of the null checks while preserving safety.

So you would not be bloating your language by including special features just for safely checking nulls; these features are much more general.

In a world where reality itself is relative and subject to social proof, there is no need to double check your facts or to prove the null hypothesis.

Null in a sentence as an adjective

The type system guarantees you have considered both possibilities so there's no such thing as a runtime null pointer dereference.

With Norton DiskEdit, I figured out how to manipulate the partition table manually, setting the partition type to a null value so that DOS wouldn't see it.

Contains no null bytes, so it can fit in any normal C stringPoint 1 is absolutely vital for backwards-compatibility and 2 makes it better than a lot of other multibyte encodings.

Any words to the effect that AirBNB is 'setting precedent' are null and void, of course they aren't and even if they were it would not matter one bit, sometimes you just need to do the right thing, even if that hurts you financially.

Before we jump to theories, has anyone eliminated the null hypothesis?That is: assuming a totally random distribution of individuals into professions, purely by chance, some professions will have curious ratios.

Null definitions


a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didn't hear zilch about it"


lacking any legal or binding force; "null and void"

See also: void