Nugatory in a sentence as an adjective

The German one for beer is nugatory th uk beer duty is 14 times the German one

The real strat was to get hired at Zurich, lock in the big RSU package and then take a nugatory salary cut and move to LA or Boulder.

We need the private sector companies who essentially built this monster to give us the tools to render it nugatory.

We have no difficulty funding the most nugatory military operations at ten times the cost of a manned mission to Mars.

Homework in primary school has nugatory impacts on learning; it’s a theft of time from children and their families for ~0 benefit.

Compared to the habit of including huge gobs of javascript and unoptimised images on "modern" web sites the impact of https is nugatory.

We may, in our current child-raising practices, have over-emphasized self-esteem and self-discovery, but that does not make these notions nugatory.

Once you have this mapping you can demonstrate that you have sufficient controls for the various risks, make trade-offs between controls, identify nugatory controls etc.

Glorified childcare until at least age ten would be an improvement and have nugatory effects on long term learning outcomes for the overwhelming majority of students.

Colonies were everywhere a boon to the scions of the ruling classes, providing military and civil service posts but the economic impacts were nugatory.

If it's interpreted as permissible to threaten someone with prison if they don't do community service, then a constitutional prohibition of convicts being forced to work is nugatory.

Seeking beauty/aesthetics is not a bad thing in itselfI assume, though, most cosmetics are used for nugatory reasons, and we should always questions whether these above use cases really justify killing millions of animals.

Nugatory definitions


of no real value; "a nugatory law"