Nought in a sentence as a noun

Then, the wallet is plundered and its value falls to nought.

Just because you'll have to suffer 4 more years of struggle doesn't mean it's all for nought.

And by difficult I mean there is circuit breaker and nought else.

Also there is nought wrong with digital over HF, as other posts will attest.

Afterwards I questioned why and took that knowledge with me. Probably not as much as working with real business problems, but it is not for nought.

The Internet doesn't depend on any given web server at all, the web is nought but one of many applications.

The word dreadnaught is a neologistic spelling of dreadnought; which is a portmanteau contraction of the phrase "fear God, and dread nought".

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.

I feel sometimes that if I were still in a combat zone or a constantly embattled place like Israel that energy wouldn't be expended for nought.

I would be curious to know what kind of temporal precision is needed for rocket control, since if it is a sloppy enough process then all this worrying about timing it for nought.

Nought definitions


a mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number

See also: zero cipher cypher