Nonagenarian in a sentence as a noun

Could you state reasons to support your assertion that a nonagenarian shouldn't be on the board of an innovative tech.

Yet another said he did it in order to drop leaflets seeking to free nonagenarian Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s lieutenant, from jail.

The whole idea that pedestrians are lighter/nimbler is false anyway - a teenager on a bike will react better than a nonagenarian with a walker or a parent with a four-year-old by their hand.

It's somewhat poignant that you say "adolescent" because I know a number of octogenarians and nonagenarians for whom these are indispensable.

Facetime works very well, my family uses it from 4 different continents around the world, from cities to villages, varying from toddlers to nonagenarians who didn't even go to school or know English.

Nonagenarian in a sentence as an adjective

Then I looked into the organization and discovered it was run by nonagenarian ss officers intent on converting welfare recipients into soylent-green.

I think this comment hits the mark; making a voice assistant to help a nonagenarian who thinks it's time to get ready for school, or to send out invitations for a long-ago child's birthday party, is a distinct challenge.

If false memories can be planted in those who are accused, it can be done to witnesses too, so that they swear that the shriveled nonagenarian in the courtroom is the same person as the guard in that **** camp more than sixty years ago.

-- while it's stockpiling pretty nicely in Medicare-recipients' closets thanks to overzealous pharmacies that know Medicare will pay for whatever they keep shipping, and seeing young people cobbling together their own makeshift slings for broken bones while so many nonagenarians are technically part-robot thanks to Medicare's great coverage.

One of my coworkers just went through a Kafka-esque process that chewed up a whole day at the DMV where he turned in his elderly mother's license, then was unable to get the other ID because this nonagenarian didn't have a copy of her birth certificate, from some rural county in the South, where the original was destroyed because the courthouse burned down decades ago, and they wouldn't accept the just-turned-in driver's license as proof of her identity.

Nonagenarian definitions


someone whose age is in the nineties


being from 90 to 99 years old; "the nonagenarian inhabitants of the nursing home"