Nodding in a sentence as an adjective

During the talk, Sandberg looked around the room and saw people nodding.

This was a pretty good troll - I know I found myself agreeing with him, nodding my head a bit.

I'm not discounting them; I'm also not just nodding vacantly.

Every post of his had me nodding: I probably would have said just the same thing if he hadn't beaten me to it.

I was nodding along, when suddenly...> One alternative is to ignore iOS and OS X users.

They're generating head-nodding from people who already agree with you, and rageposts from people who don't.

I'm in for $65, because I've run out of patience with everyone wisely nodding caution and not trying to solve the problem themselves.

I was reading along, nodding my head, then I got to this:Hard to argue with most of that, although abolishing the TSA isn't a good idea.

I hope I don't get made fun of!Good code seems to be whatever the majority of nodding heads agree upon, and rarely that is merit based.

I'm just saying, if you're one of those people who just can't imagine what anyone would find appealing about the lifestyle, but were also nodding your head in agreement with this piece... now you can.

In these two years I did pretty much nothing towards my goal, except reading HN, nodding in agreement over good posts, and bookmarking stuff on Delicious, adding to the hundreds I already have.

You know, this post had me nodding in agreement up until the last paragraph:"Note: I could easily switch this whole article around to all those programmers that think creating a company is as simple as launching an app.

The sample sites looked nice and I figured that since I and CSS are of basically nodding acquaintance -- why not?I discovered that Bootstrap was just too featuresome for my requirements and I could not, for the life of me, get it to look correct.

Nodding definitions


having branches or flower heads that bend downward; "nodding daffodils"; "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow"; "lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers"

See also: cernuous drooping pendulous weeping