Nightstick in a sentence as a noun

In this context, a baton is a nightstick.

It is not just "officer friendly" with a nightstick.

" It's not a profile shot of the officer, twirling his nightstick, that is being recorded.

Or whack him in the back of the head with a nightstick?I really have to question the training and capabilities here.

Once the police recognize a Google Glass user imagine the great shot of a nightstick smashing into their face.

The device would ideally have shock-protection to withstand tasering and multiple nightstick beatings.

You can count on Swedish or Japanese people to do the responsible, advised, thing without a police officer standing behind them with a nightstick.

It is rumored that, under their uniforms, they wear T-shirts bearing the unofficial Enforcer coat of arms: a fist holding a nightstick, emblazoned with the words SUE ME.

> Or whack him in the back of the head with a nightstick?That might be somewhat less lethal than shooting him, but still has a good chance of causing death or permanent disability.

We already have police driving around with heavy weaponry in their vehicles, while elsewhere in the world somehow the police make due with a nightstick.

I'm not sure a crippling beating with a nightstick would be a kindness--if you were the cop in question, faced with a dog that size lunging at you, you're probably not going to go for a love tap.

Or when you say, "Is she under arrest, because if so I want to call her lawyer," and they crack you with a nightstick and chase you up Cahuenga Blvd while you're yelling at them for their badge number.

This was the most interesting thing about the "Don't tase me, bro" incident - tasers and clubs are roughly equivalent, yet a picture of someone being tasered isn't nearly as provocative as a picture of someone being beaten with nightstick.

Most people seem to have entirely lost track of that fact in the "police vs baddies" battle narrative, and assume that anyone suspected or accused by police must be deserving of at least a few whacks with a nightstick, or possibly even execution if the officer, at their sole discretion, deems it appropriate.

Nightstick definitions


a short stout club used primarily by policemen

See also: truncheon baton billy billystick