Nightmare in a sentence as a noun

Our worst nightmare is to drop that data by accident.

This story then is not a "PR nightmare" for them; it's the expected outcome of their actions.

There are several reasons for that:- Nibs are a nightmare when working with version control and merge tools.

Wow that live stream update is a nightmare - I keep trying to read what's happened and things get pushed down almost immediately.

Even if somehow the political weasels in DC get away with keeping the lid on it, the criminal and Congressional cases alone are going to cause a nightmare.

The public's tepid reaction has brought our nightmare scenario to life - we taught secretive government agencies that they can now do anything they want without fear of public backlash.

Glib is the word I would use, for romanticizing a scenario that many Americans actually experience as an intractable nightmare.

Kafka's "Trial" was a nightmare for the accused, but think how convenient it is for the authorities to not publicize charges or sentencing and to do everything on their most expedient schedule.

Nightmare definitions


a situation resembling a terrifying dream

See also: incubus


a terrifying or deeply upsetting dream