Neutralise in a sentence as a verb

No one will think twice about tossing that without cooking to neutralise it.

What I do care about is the fact that his _post_ has had a label thrown on it to neutralise it when it contains a valid point.

>> I encountered a striking tendency in myself to want to neutralise colors.

I see 6 is the maximum for a search, but it'd be useful to "neutralise" all the ones that have already been read to clear the stage a bit

Still, the criticism leaves us with a desire to neutralise its effect, and avoid receiving it in the future.

That said on lower levels of income it's quite likely you're expenses will neutralise any tax obligations.

Does the CCP want to neutralise reactionary activity in Eve Online by controlling the server?

Is it really so hard for a founder in - say - Vegas - to get on a plane to SF frequently enough to neutralise any location advantage?

Here's the user style I use to neutralise it: #top-bar { height: auto; }\n #search { padding: 8px 0; }\n #lhn-add-subscription-section { height: 48px; }\n #viewer-header { height: 48px; }\n\nAdjust numbers to taste.

Watch all the people all of the time and when someone gets interesting then have the knife ready in place to twist it as hard as possible to 'neutralise' the risk to the status quo and those in fiscal power.

Wouldnt a simple IR filter strapped to the camera lens neutralise the system?The filters are really not that hard to get - most cheap webcams use one because their CCD are actually very sensitive to IRs

In order to neutralise the effect of overall market movement he balanced his portfolio by buying assets whose price he expected to rise and selling short assets he expected to fall.

"Do you have a better solution that trying to neutralise it + starting a petition + talking with Intel to remove it ?If you to want to criticize brands for selling privacy snakeoil, and not making you "the de facto owner of the machine" then we should address your criticism at Apple, not Purism

Neutralise definitions


get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"

See also: neutralize liquidate waste


make incapable of military action

See also: neutralize


make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of; "Her optimism neutralizes his gloom"; "This action will negate the effect of my efforts"

See also: neutralize nullify negate


make chemically neutral; "She neutralized the solution"

See also: neutralize