Neglectful in a sentence as an adjective

That's not much help for kids who do have abusive or neglectful parents, is it?

"Anyone care to explain how the management was neglectful?

She said all kinds of things about her neglectful mother and other things that fed into their premise.

You might be pretty neglectful due to normal TV and web browsing, but this is going to bring it to a whole new level.

Poor AltaVista went from a neglectful parent to a neglectful foster home.

"They'd spent the months prior trying to turn Twitter into "a real company" after years of neglectful management.

Modern music players and online stores are really neglectful of classical music.

The std's "something_ptr" gimmicks may sound like a good compromise at first, but just like the garbage collector, these will make you lazy and neglectful over time.

There is not a cult of personality around mothers, though I can see how it would feel that way if one had an abusive or neglectful mother.

How is putting it on an auction site and then ignoring it because you got a private offer not neglectful or unprofessional?

But you can't simply make an assertion that the state will always be better of a parent to a child than even a poor or illiterate or even neglectful parent.

You too can be like this supermom and effortlessly and jovially clean your kid's clothes for school tomorrow, so you look like a neglectful parent thanks to Fairy.

More "come back and click the button in 30 minutes or we'll **** this bunny and tell your friends how neglectful you are" and less "finish Mute City in under 30 seconds and get a special trophy.

Nay, the page designer was probably just neglectful -- eyeballed or baselined each iteration from a single, different model.

The quotations from experts provide perspective on the visuals: "'If a kid is hit in a street in 2014, I think our first reaction would be to ask, "What parent is so neglectful that they let their child play in the street?,"' says Norton.

When I was a teenager, 60 minutes did a report the message of which was something along the lines of "look at the poor youth of Las Vegas and how they are the victims of this grown up town with its neglectful gambling parents and are spending their time around casinos, etc. etc." Fine - for some reason people feel free to say rude things to people from Vegas about Vegas.

Would you be giggling if a grown man approached your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/daughter on a train and thrusted his groin onto her backside?The use of the term sexual assault is probably a bit neglectful here, but I doubt that's what he's charged with.

Neglectful definitions


not showing due care or attention; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive babysitter"; "neglectful parents"

See also: inattentive


failing in what duty requires; "derelict (or delinquent) in his duty"; "neglectful of his duties"; "remiss of you not to pay your bills"

See also: derelict delinquent remiss