Needful in a sentence as an adjective

Someone was clearly doing the needful ... to gin up consulting revenues.

"The genuinely needful have long been run out of the public spaces/territories that have the most pay-out.

MS's techs will be happy to write "please do the needful" helpdesk responses and laugh because you're such small potatoes to them.

Of course it can be needful, but it's also not a sustainable work pace doable for 30-40 years without massive personal issues for the vast majority of people.

"Needless spam" is an obvious attack vector it's going to have to deal with, and, also... a currency that decides what is and is not "needful" is a rather dangerous thing.

Pick a platform, visit a forum or newsgroup, and look for the "kindly do the needful" messages from people who are paid to do things that should be as simple as putting two Lego blocks together.

If you're building web applications that cull together lots of common-knowledge ideas, then having an experienced individual plan it out for you might not be as needful.

I'm not entirely sure what's so difficult about dnssec?I just use dnssec-keygen, then include the two keys in my zonefile, named-compilezone to sanitize, and it does the needful?

What's needful at this point in history, imo, is as many inquisitive, acute minds as possible re-engaging these debates in their original subtlety.

User bought into frictionless ecosystem, and was not notified that the needful was already happening automatically--though pondering the question "what if my phone breaks?

Small as he is, the monad contains all the powers and possibilities needful to his evolution into a German philosopher of the first class -- altogether a very capable little fellow.

It may or may not be true that you are just enabling their addictions but what about the broader implications of training people to suppress their natural sympathetic and generous instincts and undermining the ability of givers to make their own judgement and for the needful to ask for help.

Moreover, cars do suffer issues with users understanding error indicators, so I'm not really sure what you are trying to say.> User bought into frictionless ecosystem, and was not notified that the needful was already happening automatically--though pondering the question "what if my phone breaks?

That seems a rather selfish way of looking at the matter, to say nothing of how you carefully ignore the dependent clause beginning 'in such fashion...'But, since you bring personalities into it: No one can eat pride, of course, and if I'm in a tight enough spot, I don't kid myself other than that I'll do what's needful to stay alive, and wait to earn back my self-respect until I can afford it again.

Needful definitions


necessary for relief or supply; "provided them with all things needful"

See also: needed required requisite