Necrosis in a sentence as a noun

I was bitten by a brown recluse as a kid; I had a scar the size of a quarter on my leg from the skin necrosis.

There might be necrosis of the liver involved, which adds a dump of toxins on top of non-functioning liver.

The current crisis is like a knife wound: the basic problem will heal on its own, but in the meantime you have to keep from bleeding out and hopefully avoid necrosis.

There are for all practical purposes no deadly spiders native to the US. Tissue necrosis from a brown recluse would be visible, and a black widow would leave neurotoxic signs that a decent autopsy would have found, as well as possibly the toxin itself.

A viper bite would require immediate treatment with antivenom to prevent necrosis, limb amputation, or potentially even death.

Causes severe tissue necrosis and bone destruction.> Ingestion: Causes severe digestive tract burns with abdominal pain, vomiting, and possible death.> First Aid Measures> Eyes: Do NOT allow victim to rub eyes or keep eyes closed.

Necrosis definitions


the localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply)

See also: mortification gangrene sphacelus