Nauseated in a sentence as an adjective

I typically drink about 2L of tea per day, yet 2-3 cups of Earl Grey makes me feel nauseated.

It is truly despicable and makes me a bit nauseated.

Marino would get nauseated and dizzy, and would have to stick plastic bags in her purse in case she had to throw up in public.

I'm usually pretty cynical and nauseated by these kinds of write-ups too but this time I'm going to refrain.

Unless you hadn't showered for a long time prior, you were probably nauseated, not nauseous.

I must admit I'm nauseated by the number of references to reddit on HN. I think reddit is powerful and fills a void, but the few times I've visited > cmnd+w.

I remember getting slightly nauseated when I heard the amount of money made by the carriers in selling ringtones.

This way, if you get nauseated after surgery, you can try to throw up, but nothing will come out. With no stomach contents, you will not accidentally swallow stuff into your windpipe, or lungs.

Although the Oculus Rift is exciting tech, I don't really have high hopes for a product that makes nearly every user feel nauseated.

I felt literally nauseated after about 10 seconds.

The fields of vision of the Glass wearers would be shown as "screens" floating in a virtual reality, so that the support staff wouldn't get nauseated from having their vision entrained to the POV of the field Glass wearers.

The technology still needs a lot of time to improve, but if the kinks can get worked out and if they're less likely to make people dizzy/nauseated, I imagine VR headsets will dominate the market in the next few decades.

Nauseated definitions


feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit

See also: nauseous queasy sick sickish