Mutualism in a sentence as a noun

The old mutualism, where we make homes for bees so bees can make us honey, is turning into fraught co-dependence.

Re mutualism, of all the variants of leftist anarchism I am familiar with, this one does indeed appeal to me the most.

I think you will find symbiosis and mutualism to be in the vast minority when quantitatively evaluating "things that work in nature".I'm not saying that means cooperation and mutual aid are "bad".

How many hardened sociopaths can an anarchy sustain before it either collapses or becomes a mockery of its own self-direction and mutualism principles?

Democratic socialism is not social democracy which my reference explains.> What countries have mutualist economies?The question betrays a misunderstanding of what mutualism is.

Do they somehow have the rest of the cell do it, or do they contain/produce and use all of the necessary enzymes/proteins/base-pairs/etc to do it by themselves?The relationship between them and their host cell almost seems similar to ant-fungus mutualism.

What the article is really about is how entrepreneurship is changing the way business is done, but the author jumps around from social responsibility to collaborative consumption to mutualism without drawing the ties between them sufficiently.

It's interesting to me that while life within the Culture is largely based on non-economic mutualism, the vast majority of Banks' Culture protagonists are plucked form the moral gray area in which Special Cricumstances proactively attempts to shape events to suit the Culture - a gray area Banks liked so much that he named one of the Minds after it in Excession.

It has agorism, anarcho-capitalism, christian-ancaps, geolibertarianism, libertarian left, mutualism, market anarchism, minarchy, objectivism, and voluntarism.

Mutualism definitions


the relation between two different species of organisms that are interdependent; each gains benefits from the other

See also: symbiosis